by Blake | May 4, 2020 | Contemplative, Politics
As I understand it, religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal god or gods. Fair? The issue of freedom of Religion has been an issue since the beginning of our Republic. The first amendment reads: “Congress shall...
by Blake | May 4, 2020 | Poetry
He sank to the ground on a small hill nestled in the mountains His body and mind relaxed. The only sound was a soft whisper caused by a light breeze brushing through the tall grass. It touched his skin. His thoughts escaped the capsules of words and drifted through...
by Blake | May 4, 2020 | Contemplative, Law, Politics
Often, as a trial lawyer, I found listening was at least as important as speaking when arguing or negotiating. Understanding the opposition’s position and reasoning is incredible ammunition for your argument and, many times, once you grasp their position, there is...
by Blake | May 4, 2020 | Creative Writing
He reaches out and caresses the brass doorknob. His fingers stiffen from its cold, contrasting with the warmth of the room. He hesitates as he stares at the tall, brown, wooden door. His hand twists, causing a metallic click. As the portal opens, soft...
by Blake | May 4, 2020 | Contemplative, Politics
I’ve been trying to figure out the term “immigrants”. First, the indigenous people lived in Texas. I’m sure some of my relatives probably helped cure that situation. During this time six nations have had sovereignty over some or all of the current territory of the...
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