Lonesome Awareness

Lonesome Awareness

The white-haired man reclines in silence…. he hasn’t spoken to anyone today. He quietly struggles to appreciate the cloud of realities that surround him. Fading light fills the room but their shapes and colors his eyes can’t capture; and his mind can...
The Evolution Since Revolution 

The Evolution Since Revolution 

The underlying philosophy of the American Revolution was that of freedom from the dictatorial rule of England. The break from England was a final response to years of effort to reach a compromise with Royalty of the Mother Land. At the basis of the complaint was the...

The Visitors

I wish it was a wildfire Instead of these crazy ghosts Their movements–clean, clear and sharp Precise as musical notes We were fooled by their beauty And enchanted by their grace The wildfire never began Yet the ghosts commenced their chase Didn’t know what they...
Instructions on Taking Photos by a Non-expert

Instructions on Taking Photos by a Non-expert

There area many great photography instructors and or videos you can get access to, both in person or online. Many are excellent and can explain the technical aspects of photography.  Photo technology has exploded in recent years. We have evolved from buying film at...