Logic Vs. Cliché

Often, as a trial lawyer, I found listening was at least as important as speaking when arguing or negotiating. Understanding the opposition’s position and reasoning is incredible ammunition for your argument and, many times, once you grasp their position, there is...

A Second Chance

He reaches out and caresses the brass doorknob.  His fingers stiffen from its cold, contrasting with the warmth of the room. He hesitates as he stares at the tall, brown, wooden door. His hand twists, causing a metallic click.  As the portal opens, soft...

What Is An Immigrant, Anway?

I’ve been trying to figure out the term “immigrants”. First, the indigenous people lived in Texas. I’m sure some of my relatives probably helped cure that situation. During this time six nations have had sovereignty over some or all of the current territory of the...

Adventures With Kate pt. 1

My daughter, Kate, and I flew to Peru to explore some Mayan ruins called Choquequirao.  We were interested in new discovery. We felt it would be more interesting to explore these hard-to-get-to remains in addition to the classic Machu Picchu ruins. We hiked for a...

Texas Law Concerning Vicarious Liability

An employer can be liable for the negligent acts of its employee while in the course of employment. As a general rule, activity outside the work site, including the drive to and from work, is not considered to be a part of  “employment”.  However, this...