Lonesome Awareness

Lonesome Awareness

The white-haired man reclines in silence…. he hasn’t spoken to anyone today. He quietly struggles to appreciate the cloud of realities that surround him. Fading light fills the room but their shapes and colors his eyes can’t capture; and his mind can...

Plea to my Republican Friends

I make this plea to my Republican friends who are supporting the Supreme Court negating the law created by its decision in Rowe v Wade. You fought an effective political war on this decision and you won. Now many of you are Christians following Christ’s spiritual...

Notes on God

The Old Testament seems to reveal a God with a short temper and edgy disposition.  In Genesis 3 Eve ate fruit from the Tree of knowledge, then talked Adam into doing so as well. They were evidently living in a great place with no duties other than not eating the fruit...


The abortion debate is flawed. Ironically, there are sincere people on both sides who, armed with clear issues, could join together and accomplish some good. Roe v Wade chose the first trimester as a point of evolution of the fetus when it has not reached the status...
Tribalism and the Cost of War

Tribalism and the Cost of War

The question is whether we can rise above our tribal instincts to enhance our quality of life.  As far back as recorded history can take us humans have allowed our tribal inclinations to evolve into combat. Beyond of questions of morality or ethics, the issue is...

Reflections of a Free Enterprise Advocate

The idea of having a relationship between a person’s contribution to our economy to the benefits she receives seems reasonable. Basic morality and some religious teaching such as the parable of the Good Samaritan calls for some modification of a strict application of...