Contemplative Response

A friend recently sent me this article entitled, “Ten Quotes From Economist Walter E. Williams” by Sarah Stanley and this was my response… He points out that we were able to defeat England in the 1700’s without a cell phone. I wonder what our chances...

Advice For Grandkids: Driving A Car

First you need to know what inertia means. A property of matter (you and your car) by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force. Additional  speed and weight of an...


Not long before I started law school in 1970 each state had their own UCC (unified commercial code). Fortunately, before I had to learn about such economic regulations, a national unified commercial code was adopted. Before this adoption giving legal advice to...

The Responsibility of a Free Enterprise

Ironically, the cascade of clichés concerning our economy evades the necessary reasoning to manage the free enterprise system we enjoy. Labeling someone a socialist because it is suggested government money be used to provide health care to the poor evades the exercise...

Ballet Of Church And State

As I understand it, religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal god or gods. Fair? The issue of freedom of Religion has been an issue since the beginning of our Republic. The first amendment reads: “Congress shall...

Logic Vs. Cliché

Often, as a trial lawyer, I found listening was at least as important as speaking when arguing or negotiating. Understanding the opposition’s position and reasoning is incredible ammunition for your argument and, many times, once you grasp their position, there is...