The Evolution Since Revolution 

The Evolution Since Revolution 

The underlying philosophy of the American Revolution was that of freedom from the dictatorial rule of England. The break from England was a final response to years of effort to reach a compromise with Royalty of the Mother Land. At the basis of the complaint was the...

Plea to my Republican Friends

I make this plea to my Republican friends who are supporting the Supreme Court negating the law created by its decision in Rowe v Wade. You fought an effective political war on this decision and you won. Now many of you are Christians following Christ’s spiritual...

2nd Amendment Considerations

This article represents my attempt to approach the gun issue as a logical discussion rather than an irrational and political one. The underlying power of politics, unfortunately, is the money donated to those running for office. My personal opinion is that the...
Tribalism and the Cost of War

Tribalism and the Cost of War

The question is whether we can rise above our tribal instincts to enhance our quality of life.  As far back as recorded history can take us humans have allowed our tribal inclinations to evolve into combat. Beyond of questions of morality or ethics, the issue is...

Contemplative Response

A friend recently sent me this article entitled, “Ten Quotes From Economist Walter E. Williams” by Sarah Stanley and this was my response… He points out that we were able to defeat England in the 1700’s without a cell phone. I wonder what our chances...

Issues To Be Discussed By Presidential Candidate

The following are my thoughts about what issues should be addressed by our presidential candidate.  1.     Free enterprise has been supported by government participation throughout modern times. This support is necessary and does not...