Instructions on Taking Photos by a Non-expert

Instructions on Taking Photos by a Non-expert

There area many great photography instructors and or videos you can get access to, both in person or online. Many are excellent and can explain the technical aspects of photography.  Photo technology has exploded in recent years. We have evolved from buying film at...

Plea to my Republican Friends

I make this plea to my Republican friends who are supporting the Supreme Court negating the law created by its decision in Rowe v Wade. You fought an effective political war on this decision and you won. Now many of you are Christians following Christ’s spiritual...

The Unknown Invasion

Slowly zoom in on small shed in a remote, arid location. Distant voices become more audible. Switch to camera in room and men sitting cross legged on blankets on dirt floor. Five men dressed in traditional Afghan robes sit in a semi-circle facing Osama Bin Laden. Bin...


A revolutionary group calling themselves Zapatistas exist in Mexico. I spent time with a community of Zapatistas at Charcoal Dos in Chiapas Mexico several years ago. Inspired by their revolution l wrote a historical novel called Zapatista (found in My Links)....