Christmas is an interesting time and celebration. I make these observations of this holiday at the risk of being called a Scrooge.

My understanding is that the celebration is one for Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus. December seems like an odd time for that festival.  Jesus’ mother and stepdad went to Bethlehem to pay taxes and Jesus was born in a manger. Taxes were paid in the spring and the description of the trip and birth are consistent with spring. I understand that the holiday was merged with the celebration of the Winter Solstice. That seems like a reasonable compromise since Jesus is an eternal being which makes birthdays problematic at best. 

Of course Christmas songs and music are contrary to the traditions and worship of conservative literalistic Christians. It certainly is at variance with all other religions in a country that prides itself in religious freedom and tolerance. 

One could argue that the holiday is one of commercial enterprise more than spiritual contemplation. Christmas gift ads start well before the holiday when we kill a large bird to commensurate with the beginning of the land grab for indigenous people in the Americas.

It is of some concern to me that our holiday festivities include a strange looking old man sneaking into our homes because of some relationship to our children. Further, he takes credit for the toys we buy our kids. Strange at best. I won’t go into the labor laws and animal rights violations he is reportedly involved in.

I am willing to overlook the above mentioned concerns but have a complaint and possible remedy for the economic and family problems that occur each holiday. Many people suffer during this time. More suicides occur. Family squabbles abound. Budgets are busted because of spending for transportation and gifts.

My remedy is that a small group of us talk to Jesus and decide his birthday is January 21. That’s still wrong but closer to the actual date. If we do so we will avoid squabbles about which of the family member’s homes will host the event.  Airline tickets will be cheaper. Traffic will be less obstructed. Christmas outfits would stand out far more. All gifts can be acquired on sale.