The following are my thoughts about what issues should be addressed by our presidential candidate. 

1.     Free enterprise has been supported by government participation throughout modern times. This support is necessary and does not adulterate freedom of our system. Agreement that government efforts in flight control; construction of interstate highways, FDA, FBI, patents, anti-trust regulation, national defense, etc. are reasonable support for a free enterprise is logically based. To merely argue that government involvement is anti-free enterprise, regardless of its intent or effect, is merely unintellectual.

a.     The nature of a pure free enterprise will ultimately self-destruct. Success leads to a stronger position in the economy—this stronger position leads to an advantage in future competition. Eventually, it leads to the top 1% rising above the natural balance created by free enterprise. This imbalance is magnified when passed on to next generations. The basic foundation of free enterprise is open ingress and egress into the market. The most dangerous treat to free enterprise is the monopolistic nature caused by migration of wealth to a select few. Government participation can help protect the nature of our economic system.

b.     In addition to providing infrastructure, the government can support our economic system by providing basic education and medical care for the masses. This effort will inject life’s blood into the system while exhibiting morality and garnering support from those needed to be workers and consumers.

a.     For my conservative Christian friends, I refer you to Christ’s only rule to be a part of his movement Luke 10: 25-37

2.     National defense is the major drain on our economy. Our military is more expensive than the militaries of the next ten militaries of other countries. It is important that I make it clear that I’m a supporter of our troops. I always will be. In fact, I believe those in the military should receive a pay increase. Certainly, we should not have people in our military qualifying for food stamps. Embarrassing. The military budget is outside the natural checks and balances of our free enterprise economy. It is budgeted behind closed doors. President Eisenhower had the advantage of being the commanding general in WWII as well as being a successful Republican President. In his final comments he said to beware of the military/industrial complex.

a.     History since WWII shows poor profit from wars in which many people met their death and infrastructures destroyed. One could argue that if the same amount of money being spent on stimulating economies and education a better outcome could have been achieved. Certainly, there would be less tragic injuries and death to our soldiers, soldiers of the opposing side and civilians. It would be an effective strategy to overcome hostile government.

b.     My proposed formula is to limit our military budget to the total of the next three largest military budgets. This would save many billions that would help reduce our historic debt and fund necessary infrastructure of out free enterprise system including education and basic medical care.

c.     Create an international panel of intellectuals to address the single point as to how we might address world issues with war off the table. 

d.     Create a panel to address reduction and elimination of nuclear weapons. The chance of a worldwide nuclear holocaust is small but exists. This means it will happen given enough time.

3.     Today tribes can be created via gender, nationality, race, religion, politics, environment etc. Tribalism is the Death Nel for modern times. In the beginning, literal tribes were necessary for survival. Those days are over. I can observe someone’s expression on my computer screen while talking to them even if they are in China. Setting morality aside, reaching across tribal lines is essential for political, economic and personal success in these times. Much of the truly horrendous historical events are based on hatred based on tribal affiliation and not logic, morality or even self-interest. 

a.     Clinging to tribal loyalties is much like clinging to making a living manufacturing buggy whips.

b.     I advise the new President to form a committee of members of different tribes to discuss ways to cure the divide

c.     For my conservative Christian friends. I refer you again to Luke 10: 25-37 and point out that He had two members of his tribe pass by the injured man and a man outside stop to help. Probably significant.

4.     Environmental issues are subject to strange conversations. Peer Review publications throughout the world explain scientific, statistical studies that conclude the environment is changing rapidly; a significant cause is human activities; the result will dramatically affect human survival; and efforts to avoid this consequence could be successful. Surprisingly many of my educated, intelligent friends emotionally argue against this scientific observation. Why? One possible reason is vested loyalty in a way of life. In Texas our heritage is based in part on the discovery and production of oil. It is emotionally hard to disregard this part of our identity. Probably more importantly, the strategy for all investigations is: “Follow the Money”. It may well be true that the inexplicable attack on warnings from international scientists is the covert efforts by the oil industry to stop or postpone conversion to other, cleaner energy sources.

a.     I recommend that the President form a committee of intellectuals to address this issue as it results to national and international policy

b.     America should re-involve itself in the international efforts to stop pollution

c.     Secondly, we should all hold our climate denier friends to talk in terms of facts and science rather than clichés.

Blake Bailey