Slowly zoom in on small shed in a remote, arid location. Distant voices become more audible. Switch to camera in room and men sitting cross legged on blankets on dirt floor. Five men dressed in traditional Afghan robes sit in a semi-circle facing Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden speaks in a low, authoritative voice.“The task before us is to strike the worse blow possible against the United States.”Mumble of agreement.“If we gather all of our forces and attack the United States, we will be slaughtered before reaching shore. It will merely be a public win for our enemy.”Silence“But the Americans have a soft underbelly. There is a way we can turn their power against them. Here is what we must do. Send some to the United States to be trained in flying airplanes…I know we could send some that are trained but getting lessons in the United States will have the effect we want. They will take over some airliners in flight and force them into major targets. The beauty is that almost no weapons will be needed and we walk around the military in the battlefield.”The members of his audience look at each other quizzically. “But that is just the beginning. Bombing Afghanistan as a response will not satisfy the politicians in the United States. There are no critical targets that will satisfy their anger. The President will be compelled by politics to invade and form alliance with a weak group aspiring to rule our country. It will be perfect. It will be like the world’s strongest swimmer agreeing to swim in a lake of quicksand.”Nods of approval“A lesson learned many times by countries with powerful armies such as Russia.”One man looks up. “Yes Russia.”Bin Laden smiled.“My prediction is that once the United States invades our country it will be too hard politically for any President to withdraw since there will never be a time that any government they set up will last against us once they leave. Possibly they will stay for decades. Rather defeating us at no cost if we try to invade, I predict they will lose trillions of dollars in military cost, deaths, treatment for the wounded, subsidizing the government they set up—and can not win. Finally, one of his followers spoke up. “You may be too optimistic about the stupidity of the Americans.” Tense silence invaded the room. Bin Laden’s smile softened the moment.“Americans are not stupid. But the politics of the United States will overcome any common sense. Trust me…the damage caused by the airline crashes will be a tiny part of the true damage that will visit on the Americans.”Everyone nods and moves toward the door for a break. One whispers in his friend’s ear. “That will never happen.”

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