I’ve been trying to figure out the term “immigrants”. First, the indigenous people lived in Texas. I’m sure some of my relatives probably helped cure that situation. During this time six nations have had sovereignty over some or all of the current territory of the U.S. Known as the State of Texas: Spain (1519–1685; 1690–1821), France (1685–1690), Mexico (1821–1836), the Republic of Texas (1836–1845), state of United States, the Confederate States of America (1861–1865) then state of United States again.

I’m not sure of all my family history but do know they were immigrants into Mexico because they fought with Sam Houston and others to take Texas away from Mexico. I don’t know if my folks fought for the Confederacy but hope they stuck with Sam Houston who resigned as governor in protest of the secession.

In the old days there was no requirement to settle in Texas. In the early days of immigrants entering the US through Ellis Island they had to show some sort of ID. I think $20 and a job prospect.

Once, I swam the Rio and rode a burro to a village and had some real Mexican food. I lived for a while with the Zapatistas in Chiapas but had a passport and everything then.

I was born in the US.

I guess my question is: since my family was originally living in Mexico does that make me a Dreamer? Sometimes I do have fitful sleep. I’m pretty sure my folks took land from the folks originally here so am I reaping the advantage of a felony trespass and theft of property?

Since I can get on some device and talk to anyone in the world and did international Christmas shopping from a town that is part of the US by way of violent overthrow of foreign government(s), am I losing the practical distinction of citizenship on this plot of ground on a ball spinning through eternity?

I hear the chant “America First”. I’m embarrassed because I don’t know what we are first of. Any help would be appreciated.

Oh, one other thing. I’m confused about religion but know many of my friends are Christians. I read this story about the one rule about getting in. Has to do with being a good neighbor. It was in Luke 10:25-37. I guess the Samaritan was a foreign guy.